Ozone Machines 220v
High Quality Ozone Generator
Ozone Machines 220v
We offer many of our commercial ozone generators in 220v and we now proudly offer the 220v OxyGreen Carpet and Duct Deodorizing Machine, the Ozone Dragon Multiposition Ozone Blaster as well as the 80k and 100k Vertical Ozone Tornadoes. When you need high output ozone generation in a 220v country our products outperform the rest.
Super high output, and rugged durability is our trademark and you will be thrilled with our 220v ozone machines. Buy one today and prove it to yourself and your clients. Our 220V, products do not come with remote starters or timers. For every Non-USA order we include FREE Backup replacement parts(1 transformer and 2 plates). All our units are easily field repairable. In case of repair those parts will save you lot of $ and time instead of them needing shipped back to us for warranty repairs.
Attention: Any one of our other(110V) models can be used with an inexpensive voltage converter for use in countries with 220 volt electrical supplies. Please, find below the link for the converters. We can order it for you and ship at the same cost.
Rockstone Power 500 Watt Heavy Duty Step Up/Down Voltage Transformer Converter (Home unit, water machine, Auto Detail unit)
Power Bright VC1000W Voltage Transformer (Hydroxyl Max)
Power Bright VC1500W Voltage Transformer (Sterling XT Pro , Carpet Machine)
Goldsource STU-2000 Step Up/Down Voltage Transformer Converter (Vertical Tornado 80k, 100k)
You will have to pay for the converter and the shipping weight cost difference. Please send an email at industrialozone@gmail.com with your shipping address for a custom shipping quote to your country. All international orders are shipped the cheapest and reliable way : USPS Priority Mail International (6-10 business days) Express shipping is available on demand
Ozone Dragon Multi-Position Ozone Blaster Horizontal / Vertical Blaster 50k
US Patent Pending
Ozone Dragon Multi-Position Ozone Blaster Horizontal / Vertical Blaster 30k
Free + Remote Starter+ Timer
Length – 23” inches Height – 11 ” inches Width – 11” inches Weight – 40 lb
PRICE: $1073.00

Vertical Ozone Tornado (20k, 80k , 100k) US PATENT ISSUED

Important Notice
Notice 1:
Our ozone ratings are issued by the cell manufacturer and were laboratory tested. We are not a laboratory and we do not rate ozone generator outputs. We have designed what we believe is the most durable best high powered generator available for the best price possible. Actual ozone output in any ozone generator is dependent on many variables including but not limited to input gas, humidity, elevation, temperature air flow and many other factors. We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with the output of any of our machines in the first 15 days we will issue a complete refund. By clicking the buy now button you agree to be bound by a private agreement between the parties for the hand building of the machine design requested.
Notice 2:
In life, as in business there is no guarantee of success except that which is produced by direct individual effort and achievement. Buying our business systems or equipment will not guarantee individual profit or success; your success will depend on many factors including , but not limited to geography, population, intelligence and individual effort and commitment to succeed.
Notice 3:
Fair Use. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.