About Us
The Bio3blaster Team is dedicated and committed to designing and building the best ozone machines on Earth. We hand build each machine from Carlisle Township, Ohio, and are committed to making our machines practical real world tools for use by both contractors and homeowners alike. Our product designer is a Nationally recognized foundation waterproofing expert and mold remediation expert who after many years of using every national brand of ozone generator, was frustrated with their efficacy functionality and durability. One day over 15 years ago he decided to take apart the many broken ozone generators on his repair shelf, over a dozen from nearly as many manufacturers. To his dismay all were built nearly identically, a bent piece of sheet metal with a tiny little computer fan, on one end and transformers and plates interrupting the air flow out of the unit.

The Bio3blaster Team is dedicated and committed to designing and building the best ozone machines on Earth. We hand build each machine from Carlisle Township, Ohio, and are committed to making our machines practical real world tools for use by both contractors and homeowners alike. Our product designer is a Nationally recognized foundation waterproofing expert and mold remediation expert who after many years of using every national brand of ozone generator, was frustrated with their efficacy functionality and durability. One day over 15 years ago he decided to take apart the many broken ozone generators on his repair shelf, over a dozen from nearly as many manufacturers. To his dismay all were built nearly identically, a bent piece of sheet metal with a tiny little computer fan, on one end and transformers and plates interrupting the air flow out of the unit.
World Best Ultra-Powerful Ozone Equipment Ozone Dragon
For Carpet Drying And Sanitizing
Welcome to the Home of the BiO3Blaster! We offer the highest output most rugged
durable and practical ozone generators available.