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Why You WIll Become a Raving Fan Once you Buy a Bioblaster And
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Former Middleweight Champion of the World Big Sugar loves Bio3Blaster Ozone Generator!!

Welcome to the Home of the BiO3Blaster! We offer the highest output most rugged
durable and practical ozone generators available.



Bed Bugs

Ozone Shock Treatments for omeless Living Quarters

Finally, what do you get when you put a homeless mom, a newborn baby, old tennis shoes, two toddlers and a teenager in a space about the size of a small motel room? You get ODORS to the max! After our moms and kids leave the Mission, we deep clean the rooms and administer Ozone shock treatments as needed. Through a generous donation and expert advice from Charles Bohday of www.ozonegenerator 2000.com, we are using an “Ozone Cannon.”

This unit puts out over 30,000 parts per million of concentrated Ozone gas. We apply the gas for up to four hours in an unoccupied and isolated living space.

This treatment sanitizes all surfaces and removes odors and germs that remain after deep cleaning, making the room ready for the next family. The treatments are so successful we are considering using these techniques to establish a new business model where the Mission could offer this as a service to other agencies and businesses. Think “skunk” attacks and smokers who have ruined rental properties, used cars, or other stinky situations. Nice!

Valorie Emilio http://gospelrescuemissiongp.org/

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