Ozone for Carpets
Ozone For Carpets?????
Carpet Odors? Permanent removal in minutes. Most Powerful Ozone Carpet Machine Power
That’s Right, When YOU Have Carpet Odors and Germs to Kill
Our Professional Carpet Deodorizing and Sanitizing Machines Are Exactly What YOU NEED!
Length – 28” inches, Height – 20, Weight – 32 lbs
OXY GREEN Carpet Sanitizing/Deodorizing Machine
50000 mg/h Comes with Free Remote Starter and Timer
PRICE: $973.00
Free + Remote Starter+ Timer
PRICE: $1073.00
Do You want an edge? A way to charge more money consistently, and to stand out from the crowd?
Would you like to be able to destroy carpet based odors and germs, even, to be able to remove the smell of dog and cat and even human urine from rugs and carpets and bedding????
That’s right, nobody wants more equipment for equipment’s sake. You want to solve a problem that cannot be solved another way and you need more opportunities for revenue.

(Source https://coloradospringscarpetscleaning.com/bacteria-in-your-carpet-carpet-cleaning-importance/)
Disclaimer: *Warning folks, these statements have not been evaluated by a laboratory or gov’t agency it is strictly our opinion and those of our customers based on real world feedback and years of using and testing our competitor’s machines in our ozone test chamber using Eco-Sensors calibrated and certified ozone testing equipment visit:https://www.ecosensors.com/
It’s for this very reason that most carpet guys,( if the carpet has moderate to heavy soiling), when performing the cleaning will spray a deodorizer or a biocide (usually poisonous, but unknown to the carpet cleaner) after they finish; otherwise it can begin to smell over the next few days as the bacteria and mold multiplies. Source https://www.carpetcleaningvictoria.com/green-cleaning/11-things-to-consider-before-using-chemical-carpet-cleaners
Some savvy carpet cleaners even use cutesy little ozone machines that put out a tiny amount of gas, after they finish.https://www.carpet-cleaning-equipment.net/foggers-ozone-machines.shtml
I have sold my ozone equipment to carpet cleaners familiar with ozone that FLAT OUT amazed them.
With this amazing new carpet sanitizing and deodorizing miracle equipment you no longer need these carpet sanitizing chemicals and deodorizers!
How do they work??
They send massive amounts of O3 gas directly into the carpet fibers and padding.
The sanitizing and deodorizing machine uses a carpet wand and hose to force the gas directly into the carpet and padding that has already been laid, and has a problem; the other is a high tech carpet drying machine that uses massive amount of ozone gas to dry the carpet and to sanitize and deodorize it, all in one step.

Did you know,activated oxygen, ozone or O3 gas has been approved by USDA Organic Label program as a sanitizer in both its aqueous and gaseous forms?
source: https://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_1401-1450/ab_1427_cfa_20120611_155354_sen_comm.html
That’s Right Ozone is a USDA ORGANIC label approved sanitizer!!!!
In fact, the University of Pennsylvania has proven that, in bursts of as little as 10 seconds Activated Oxygen or Ozone gas kills Viruses Bacteria Mold and Mold Spores and Odors a whopping 3,125 Times faster than chlorine!!!!! (source https://www.earthsafeozone.com/pdf_docs/E-coli_Staph.pdf)
It also DESTROYS VOC’s and MVOC’s.
What are VOC’s and MVOC’s?
These stand for Volatile Organic Compounds and Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds. (source:https://www.emlab.com/s/sampling/env-report-04-2006.html)
Those are the toxic gasses that make up odors. It also destroys dust mites, which are a leading cause of allergies in indoor air. (source: Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Biomedicine https://www.apjtb.com/zz/20122/16.pdf)
There is NOTHING on the FACE of THE EARTH that destroys odors faster or better than O3, or ozone gas, and, that holds doubly true, for carpet odors.
During the development of this powerful carpet odor removal and sanitizing equipment; I had my machines in beta testing at the oldest and the best carpet and Oriental rug cleaners in the state of Ohio for several months, Arselanian Brothers and they were amazed at the results.
They now have one of my cannons that is running continuously, while they are drying the oriental rugs in their drying room; and they put the Carpet Sanitizing and Deodorizing Machine through its paces in the field, with spectacular results. During the initial trials when we were using less powerful generators the brother of the owner, stuck the hose from one of the carpet machines under a large Oriental rug and was able to remove a previously impossible to remove odor. https://www.arslanianbrothers.com
It worked so well that it then became the genesis, for the Carpet Drying and Sanitizing Machine.

In the last two years since the development of the New carpet equipment it has been field tested and approved by my odor removal business owners, our hotel customers and the many other restoration industry professionals who use them…..my odor removal guys used to be able to destroy only airborne odors.
Now there is virtually no odor that that cannot handle including dog and cat urine, as well as any thing else that spill on the carpet and would normally require it to be replaced!
What I designed and built for you is a line of carpet odor destroying and unique carpet sanitizing machines that have a dual function of being cash-sucking currency generating machines for contractors, in the carpet cleaning, duct cleaning, and restoration industries, as well as being an indispensable tool in the property management and hotel industries !
Disclaimer: *Warning folks, this statement has not been evaluated by a laboratory or gov’t agency it is strictly our opinion and those of our customers based on real world feedback and years of using and testing our competitor’s machines in our ozone test chamber using Eco-Sensors calibrated and certified ozone testing equipment visit:https://www.ecosensors.com/
I am sure You are aware that many carpet guys also do crossover duct cleaning as well?
Did You know that NADCA, the National Association of the Duct Cleaners of America, came out in their 2010 protocols with a ban or moratorium on the use of chemical sanitizers in duct systems???
That’s right, for years, at the end of the duct cleaning process, the Duct guys would fog a chemical sanitizer into the returns and supply ducts in order to kill the viruses and mold spores and bacteria that remain after the mechanical cleaning is over.
The reason for the ban is that there have been concerns about the chemical residues that are left behind after the duct cleaning that can affect the homeowners health and because there is no way to guarantee coverage of the surfaces all the way through the ducts by fogging a liquid, at one end in the hopes it makes it all the way to the other end. source: https://www.epa.gov/oppad001/dis_tss_docs/dis-11.htm
What’s more if the house has fiberboard or flex duct it can’t be mechanically cleaned at all and only a gas can penetrate into the nooks and crannies that make up these duct systems.https://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/airduct.html
Also these duct cleaners have no concept of relationship marketing at all . In most cases they clean the ducts and then don’t see or talk to their customers again for another 3-5 years. This makes them a cherry niche to go after. The poor homeowner/customer rarely even can remember who it was that cleaned their ducts the last time!!!
Disclaimer: *Warning folks, this statement has not been evaluated by a laboratory or gov’t agency it is strictly our opinion and those of our customers based on real world feedback and years of using and testing our competitor’s machines in our ozone test chamber using Eco-Sensors calibrated and certified ozone testing equipment visit:http://www.ecosensors.com/
I have a customer in Florida who has enrolled 6,500 customers in his bi-annual duct sanitizing service….at $150 per sanitizing….that’s nearly one million dollars every six months! When he met me he was spending over $1500 a month in Poisonous Chemicals!!!!
But what you really need are our marketing systems and my advice;
What’s best is this still leaves the restoration industry, the property management and apertment building industry and the one that definitely needs it the most the Hotel and Motel industry.
These powerful machines are needed by every single carpet cleaner, duct cleaner, restoration contractor, property management company and every hotel and motel company in the World!
Most of them are familiar with ozone and many use it in their businesses; but most ozone machines are made poorly and break easily.
They rely on tiny little computer fans, and don’t have the oomph required to get the job done well.
My new Carpet Drying Ozone Cannon™ and the Ozone Bazooka™ have no parallels at all in the field as they are my unique concepts entirely and cannot be shopped for any price.
The insurance companies will love them too because it will allow many carpets to be saved that would normally be replaced! Disclaimer: *Warning folks, this statement has not been evaluated by a laboratory or gov’t agency it is strictly our opinion and those of our customers based on real world feedback and years of using and testing our competitor’s machines in our ozone test chamber using Eco-Sensors calibrated and certified ozone testing equipment visit:http://www.ecosensors.com/
Important Notice
Notice 1:
Our ozone ratings are issued by the cell manufacturer and were laboratory tested. We are not a laboratory and we do not rate ozone generator outputs. We have designed what we believe is the most durable best high powered generator available for the best price possible. Actual ozone output in any ozone generator is dependent on many variables including but not limited to input gas, humidity, elevation, temperature air flow and many other factors. We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with the output of any of our machines in the first 15 days we will issue a complete refund. By clicking the buy now button you agree to be bound by a private agreement between the parties for the hand building of the machine design requested.
Notice 2:
In life, as in business there is no guarantee of success except that which is produced by direct individual effort and achievement. Buying our business systems or equipment will not guarantee individual profit or success; your success will depend on many factors including , but not limited to geography, population, intelligence and individual effort and commitment to succeed.
Notice 3:
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
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