DIY Mold Removal Kit (Basic-Pro)
$473.00 – $733.00
DIY Mold Removal
Do You Have a Mold Problem but the Economy is Preventing You From Hiring a Mold Contractor it to Correct It Professionally?
Is the mold in Your Home Making You Sick and Affecting Your Family’s Health?
Are You a Brave Homeowner With a Can-Do Attitude Who Will Try Anything to Stop the Mold? Now for the First Time Ever My Own All Natural Mold Removal Insider Secrets Revealed TO Do It Yourselfers Across the Globe: You Can LAUGH At Mold- and Health Worries…If You Follow This Simple Plan:
Well its simple, I am not just a Nationwide Mold clean up contractor I am an inventor and Author too! You See Professional Mold Contractors Routinely Pay Me over $20,000 To Teach Them My All-Natural Mold-Removal Secrets. Rather than paying $20,000 to sit at my seminars I designed a special All Natural Do-It-Yourself Removal Course brought directly to you!
You need to know a dirty little secret about the mold remediation industry—-Most professional mold remediators are terrible at what they do! Sadly, it’s not their fault they are the victims of the bad training they receive when getting their mold certifications.
( Source: )
Well the answer is you can know more than them just by owning and implementing my special All Natural Do It Yourself Home Mold Removal System! You and people just like you are the reason I created it in the first place.
Over the years so many customers have asked me for advice on how to remove their own mold that I was actually forced to create this amazing offer and system.
Mold removal is not rocket science… boiled down to its bare essentials… it is little more than basic demolition and clean-up work- with a twist. You see the tricky part is: these mold spores are ALIVE and they CAN hurt you.
Unlike normal demolition and clean-up work, where the most you need to worry about is breathing the dust, and cleaning thoroughly; mold removal is unlike cleaning up any normal dust.
In just one square inch of flowering mold there are over 3-5 million spores. (source )
And, because they are alive you have to get all of them, or they will come right back and continue to haunt you and damage your health.
Just for you I created the All Natural Do It Yourself Home Mold Removal System.
It combines the best information and all natural formulas with the right know how and lastly the contractor grade essential basic tools to get the job done right!
That right, I have put together a complete course on how to safely and effectively clean up your own mold problem that also includes the basic essential tools that cannot be easily rented to get the job done right and when the job is finished you still have the tools if a new problem is ever encountered again.
- Even If you have never worked with mold before
- If you do not know where to start
- Even if you do not have any certifications
- If you have no tools and don’t know which ones you should be using
- If you know Mold is dangerous and you suspect it is causing you or someone you know has serious health problems
- If Mold is staring back at you in your own home
- If you don’t want to waste your life living in a home with mold and mildew
- If you don’t want to have contractors charge you a fortune and demolish your home
- If you don’t want to waste your life living in a home with mold and mildew
- If you don’t know whether you have to remove drywall, carpet or furnishings or if you can leave them there
- Do you want something that will be easy to do, a practical simple effective all natural permanent solution?
- Do you want to only work on this mold problem for a few hours and be done with it, but still get results better than most Pro’s?
- Do you want to have the option of making money from the information you learned if you chose to do so?
- Do you want (and need) to start fixing your mold problem now?
What If You Had The Exact Same Equipment Protocols & Procedures To Solve Any Mold Problem Big or Small?
Remember, I Have Repeatedly Witnessed First Hand What Mold Will Do If you Do Not Handle It Correctly… I have been hired countless times in dozens of states to correct projects that have been botched by other Professional contractors!
What makes you different ,Charlie? Why should I trust you???
You ask? -Simple: I have been a mold victim too, for that reason I CARED enough to develop the Best System to solve your mold problem permanently and protect your family!
Disclaimer: Warning, This is just our expert opinion folks, these statements are strictly based on our experience and belief based on many years of real world experience in our nation wide mold remediation business and selling and consulting with ozone customers from around the world.
How does this affect me and my attic, crawlspace or basement mold problem, you ask?
You see, I discovered to my surprise about 10 years ago, that the chemicals that were being used by my so-called mold removal competitors (and indeed by most of the industry) not only DIDN’T WORK on porous surfaces… which is about EVERY surface that mold would grow on in a house (or duct system too)! I also discovered that most of these chemicals contain NO ingredients that KILL the spores (the most important but hardest things to kill) and also …that they leave behind RESIDUAL TOXIC CHEMICAL POISONS that in some case are WORSE than the poisons the MOLD makes!
Do you know how I found out that these chemicals didn’t work and were poisonous?
I can honestly say that I thought they were trying to get their money back for a job WELL DONE.
But…Since I had three of them in a row, I decided to try and see if there might be anything, anything at all, to their claims of sickness……
What I learned changed my life….and could change your life too, (read on to learn more and change your life)…….what I discovered is that their noses worked actually much BETTER than a “regular”? persons nose (someone without Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder).
In fact their noses were so good they worked just like a blood-hounds’ nose!
HMMM! I began to theorize that maybe I had been POISONING ALL OF MY CUSTOMERS, but our “regular noses”? just couldn’t smell it.
I quickly began to research. Just what was in those chemicals? After all, they were EPA approved and biodegradable like (Oxine and Sporicidin).
What I discovered truly SHOCKED THEN HORRIFIED ME…
The EPA routinely approves products that contain known carcinogens (those are CANCER CAUSING chemicals)
(source… )
I quickly realized that I needed to do some research and if necessary change the chemicals that I used –FAST! So I got together with some of the country’s top scientists.
What Is In This Course and Equipment System ?
I have the answer for you. Here’s how this is going to work:
The program itself offers- you a step-by-step process to finding mold at its source and developing protocols to then begin your own mold remediation. And My All Natural Family SAFE Program Walks You Through It… If you manage to secure one of the coveted spots, here’s what you’ll receive:
The Basics of Our All-Natural Family-Safe DIY Mold Removal System:You Get All the Information you need to complete the projects including 3 Ebooks- a $325Value Book #1 -The Do It Yourself Guide to Mold Prevention Inspection Testing Remediation This book is Jam Packed With Everything You’ll Need to know to solve your Own Problem MUST!
This book includes
- Find the source of the mold problem so it never comes back to haunt you
- Real life scenarios and solutions to easily find your exact solution
- Discover How to Know every area that could be causing the problem, No guess work!
- Simple systemized step-by-step strategies you can use to find why mold keeps growing
- Learn to analyze your mold problem so you begin removing it correctly
- Discover the “tight-lipped” secrets of the mold inspectors checklist
- You Get the keys to professional inspection procedures for all types of mold problem in your home
- Detailed outlines and step by step procedures for mold remediation in bathrooms, kitchens, basements, attics and many, many other locations
Full Course On Mold Remediation:
After you learn how to find the source of the problem, now you will need to learn how to correctly remediate it. The book provides room by room scenarios so you will know exactly how to handle a remediation project. It will not matter if the project is in a bathroom, attic, kitchen, basement, or any other part of a house, RV, or boat. I have seen it all, dealt with it before and laid out the know-how you will need, clear and complete, in this book.
- What equipment you will need, which is most likely in your garage already
- Exact mold remediation procedures for many popular locations in your home
- Simple and safe products you can use that professionals use
- Simple systemized step-by-step strategies I used to do my own mold remediation
- Our All Natural valuable, 6-step mold remediation process you can use immediately! -A $75 Value
Am Going To Let You In On a Little Secret,
Did you know most pro’s leave behind toxic mold on Every Single Job?
The Reason Why Is That You NEED To Use a Gas Out to effectively Kill Mold! That’s why with our system you get your very own HIGH POWERED Ozone Cannon!
You Get a Powerful 20,ooo mg/ph Ozone Cannon So you can do the Shock Treatment You Need to Really KILL the Mold For Good!
A $ 433 value (compare at $1899)!
What’s More Our Powerful 14,000 Mg/ph Ozone Cannon can be used to kill new mold spores for years to come!
Act now and I’ll include 3 Powerful Bonus E-Books
Life Without Mold!
- You’ll get No more sleepless nights being surrounded by hoarse painful coughs!
- You’ll get No more walking into your home and being blown away by musty odors!
- You’ll get No more skin irritations which need antifungal cream to keep in control…!
- You’ll get No more teary irritated eyes…!
- You’ll get to spend more time in your home without getting sick!
- You’ll be able to invite friends you want over without being embarrassed by the musty smell in your home!
- You’ll Get to watch your children finally breathe normally!
- You’ll Get to be the guy who the family personally thanked for fixing the problem
- You’ll have the memory of celebrating the day you finally threw away the last piece of your mold problem!
- You’ll finally have the wellness your family so much deserves!
For The First Time Ever:
You’ll Know Exactly How To Put My All Natural Procedures Into Action So You Will Never Have To Lose Your Health To Mold In Your Home.
You May Even Use These Techniques to Build A Profitable Money Magnet Business…
This is the Very Same System That We Have Used to Treat Banks, Large Corporations, Government Organizations, And Hospitals. The Same System That My Licensees Pay Me Over $20,000 To Attend My Training Boot-camps In Order To Learn Directly From Me…
Disclaimer: Warning, This is just our expert opinion folks, these statements are strictly based on our experience and belief based on many years of real world experience in our nation wide mold remediation business and selling and consulting with ozone customers from around the world
Here are some of the important topics that we will cover:
Phase 1
- Prepping the home: The first thing we teach you how to do is Site Preparation. We show you how to isolate the damaged are from the rest of the house.
- We will teach you the basics of how to protect yourselves and your home from contamination during the clean up process!
- We also explain the basics of negative air pressure and positive air pressure.
This is misunderstood by many professional contractors.
- We will show you how to build proper air-lock doorways and how to separate your contaminated area from the rest of the house ! This is mission critical Infromation!
Phase 2
- Kill the mold With a Fogger/Remove Moldy building materials and damaged contents: We show you how to SATURATE all of the moldy joists and subflooring with a special disinfectant formula that uses the amazing power of Mother Nature’s Miracle disinfectant.
The reason we start with this is that when mold senses it is being attacked, has a simple defense mechanism. It releases its spores into the air into an invisible or a visible cloud, a phenomenon called bursting or sporulation.
Mother Nature’s miracle disinfectant is unique among the mold killing chemicals as it is the only liquid I know of that will completely destroy a spore (mold seed), without being poisonous to humans.
In fact, it leaves behind only water. The way it works is this: when you pour Mother Nature’s miracle disinfectant onto a viraus bacteria or mod sporend you see it start to fizz a simple chemical reaction occurs. Mother Nature’s miracle disinfectant which is surfactant water plus +O or free radical oxygen. The free radical oxygen molecule is what does all of the killing. When it is done killing the mold via oxidization, all that is left behind is pure water!
By breaking the Mother Nature’s miracle disinfectant Secret Formula into tiny micron sized particles it not only saturates the wood , it washes the air just like the rain washes it in nature, except our “rain”? is microscopic particles of Mother Nature’s miracle disinfectant!
The only way to get these small particles is to use a ULV Cold Fogger!
This way we kill the spores before they can spread all over. This maximizes worker safety and increases customer protection should a containment, fail.
Remove the Moldy Building Materials!
Next we show you how to begin the tedious labor intensive demolition process. Removing all contaminated porous building materials and stored contents. Demolition is hard work, and is especially hot and difficult with restricted breathing in a Tyvec suit wearing a respirator. The bagged debris is then removed and put into a dumpster…..
There are two basic methods for performing stain removal, either chemically or via soda blasting. We either apply the stain removing solution, to the wood and wait or we go through the more costly and time consuming process of blasting the wood. The chemical process relies on the use of sodium hypochlorite a strong bleaching agent.
Phase 4 Top Secret Borate Recipe application Sheathing and trusses:
Next and most important to the long term efficacy of the process we teach you how to actually impregnate the wood with our TOP SECRET environmentally friendly solution of mineral salt, mixed with a few Secret Ingredients. This is made from an extremely finely ground and specially-designed-for-dissolving Mineral Salt, a cousin to the old fashioned 20 mule team Borax we use in our laundry.
This Mineral Salt product is absolutely amazing. It was designed to penetrate the substrate a full inch (remember mold roots only grow 3/16’s of an inch into the wood). It not only prevents all hosts of decay and dry rot fungi but it also prevents wood boring insects carpenter ants beetles and termites. (source )
Just Imagine, you get a complete two-for-one bonus!
Just Imagine, Mold proofing and bug proofing in one fell swoop!
Phase 5 The O3 Gas Out: Lastly, years ago when researching a safe non toxic residue mold killer, I discovered that the scientists at Los Alamos national laboratory (where the atomic bomb was developed) have extensively studied how to decontaminate a civil facility like a house or office building that has been contaminated by a spore based pathogen like toxic mold.
Why you ask? They concluded that in order to fully decontaminate the structure/ area it is absolutely necessary to fill it full of toxic levels of a reactive gas, like ozone otherwise known as activated oxygen or O3. This gas penetrate the nooks and crannies and crevices in the attic and especially down into the insulation, where the liquid based chemicals/products can’t penetrate…. The use of the gas out is necessary in guaranteeing the destruction of any invisible spores we remediators might have missed, because we can’t see them (ten thousand to two hundred thousand spores can fit on the head of a pin). (source
Phase 6 Wrap-up: Finally we show you how to clean up the rest of the project and what to do to ensure this is a permanent solution.
You Have To Remember When You Buy The All Natural Family-Safe DIY Mold Removal System.
- You will never need to spend thousands of dollars on mold inspections
- You will never be handed a bill of $5,000- $50,000 for a mold demolition
- You will No longer need to worry about sick-building-syndrome
- You will never have to suffer through a mold problem again without knowing how to correct it!
- You will never need to sleep in a different room/ different house because the mold is so bad!
- You will never have to worry about your HVAC system spreading mold into other parts of your home!
- You will never be confused about what to do for a mold problem again.
- You will never be left behind or have unanswered questions as an All Natural Family Safe DIY System Customer.
Tell you now-NOT MUCH How Much Is This Training and Equipment Package Going To Cost?
So let’s Recap:
- 1. You Get 3 ebooks that will teach you everything you need to know about mold removal.
- 2.You get access to the complete 6 step video library-
- 3. You get a powerful effective ULV Cold fogger to wash the air.
- 4. You get the a truly Powerful 14,000 mg/ph Ozone Cannon (my design the best in the industry!)
- 5. You Get the Powerful 3 Bonus E-Books Covering mold and your health and Mold and the Law
- 6.You get Access to the suppliers you need to get the right Products
- 7. You get 15 minutes consultation and guidance.
That’s over a $1600 value!!!!!!!
How Much Is The All Natural Family-Safe Equipment package and Cleaning system Going To Cost?
Allow me to explain…
First, you need to be willing to invest NOT $1900 but only a measly $553 to reserve your entire equipment and course package system. This fee covers the 6 Books the Complete Video Course the Powerful ULV Fogger and the High Powered Ozone Machine , plus it ensures that only serious people apply. But if you think about it, you’ll save so much money over professional remediation
Next, if you’re one of the first 100 to sign up, I’m giving you my amazing One on One Hot-seat Coaching Sessions Only my high-dollar clients have ever heard this.
(And I’m sure that it’ll work for you too.) As soon make your payment, you’ll get instant access to this system …and because all you really have to do is “watch the videos and follow the steps”, you should be able to put it to work for you on the very first day. I fully believe that in the first few days, you should have already LEARNED MORE than the cost of this entire course, and will know more than most mold professionals who earn their living doing mold clean up, currently know. This means that not only will you have saved more money than you spent on the system and equipment, you get everything else, including the equipment to keep forever free and clear. If you took this information and used it to handle your mold problem yourself, you would most definitely be saving $2,500- $25,000 by not having a group of mold professionals come in your home rip it apart and liberate you of your hard earned cash completely.
Disclaimer: Warning, This is just our expert opinion folks, these statements are strictly based on our experience and belief based on many years of real world experience in our nation wide mold remediation business and selling and consulting with ozone customers from around the world
Charles, The Cost For A Mold Project Seems Expensive And You Charge So Much For Your Professional Mold Seminars, And Other Ozone machines With similar Outputs Cost $1500-$1800
Why Is The System With Equipment Only $ 97 – 733?
This course is everything you need to successfully complete a mold project thoroughly, safely and permanently, although it is not for everyone, so if this is overwhelming I would be happy to send a trained team to your home and do the job for you.
I am not trying to sell you the world, I just want to make sure you have confidence and tools so you can know 100%for sure that you can get your home and health back.
This course has every basic procedure needed so you can get started and you can complete a full mold project yourself. In fact, I am confident it is one of my best accomplishments yet!
You will have all the tools you need…but it may not be for people looking for an easy fix-if you are not ready to follow the steps I lay out in the books and complete course.
Just Imagine….If you can follow instructions, then you are fine and can be done with your mold project in no-time!
Disclaimer: Warning, This is just our expert opinion folks, these statements are strictly based on our experience and belief based on many years of real world experience in our nation wide mold remediation business and selling and consulting with ozone customers from around the world
As for the price, a one-time payment of $533 is all you need to get your home and health back to what it once was before this mold got out of control.
There are no secret offers gimmicks or hidden costs or charges after you buy. You will get everything!
Your Total investment a measly $97-$733 dollars!
This can save your family’s health and your bank account in one fell swoop.
Why This Special Price?
Great question, while it may be hard to believe since you do not know me personally, my life’s mission is to help people who have serious mold problems, and to eliminate the harmful chemical poisons that I believe contributed to my own mothers’ cancer to which she succumbed.
I have seen the devastation this stuff can do (I discovered a terrible stachybotrys mold problem in her home before she died) and I have also worked as a consultant for many large companies who charging extremely high prices to people who could not afford it.
While I am not the so-called “Mold Savior” I receive real joy while of helping thousands of people getting their homes back and having a healthy life again with their families.
I hope this sheds some illumination on me and my teams’ mission…Thats why I just developed the world’s first completely poison free Pest Control system as well!
And to prove my mission I have a special guarantee and bond I am giving to you directly from me.
Here it is below…
Buy now and start saving your home and your family’s health today!!!!!!!!!
But even if you’ve gone beyond the 60-day unconditional guarantee period you’re still protected by Guarantee #2…
Set In Stone Guaranteed TO Work… System Guarantee #2:
– I Always Stand Behind My Own Products…
How’s that for standing behind my products?
That’s how serious I am about helping you to eliminate your mold problem, and how confident I am that my system really works 100% of the time-Guaranteed!
If I don’t hold up to my end of the bargain, I’m not only $600 in the hole, I’m also out all the time that I spent working with you one-on-one (which costs me a lot more than $600!)
DIY All Natural Mold Removal Kits
Important Notice
Notice 1:
Our ozone ratings are issued by the cell manufacturer and were laboratory tested. We are not a laboratory and we do not rate ozone generator outputs. We have designed what we believe is the most durable best high powered generator available for the best price possible. Actual ozone output in any ozone generator is dependent on many variables including but not limited to input gas, humidity, elevation, temperature air flow and many other factors. We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with the output of any of our machines in the first 15 days we will issue a complete refund. By clicking the buy now button you agree to be bound by a private agreement between the parties for the hand building of the machine design requested.
Notice 2:
In life, as in business there is no guarantee of success except that which is produced by direct individual effort and achievement. Buying our business systems or equipment will not guarantee individual profit or success; your success will depend on many factors including , but not limited to geography, population, intelligence and individual effort and commitment to succeed.
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