Residential Machines for Sale
World’s Best Ultra-Powerful Ozone Equipment and Business Systems for Air and Water
Home Pro
We design our machines for both contractors & homeowners to be rugged & reliable & moreover to do real world work, killing viruses, bacteria, bedbugs, colembola bird mites & destroying odors, as well as treating water olive oil & a variety of other applications.
“New Powerful Stainless Steel Home Pro, Features Bi-Polar Ion Generation, & Packs a Wholloping 20,000 mg./hr. Ozone Output & Can Treat Up To a 2,000 sq. ft. Home to Kill Levels & Even More for Odors!!!! Ozone & Ions Combine a 1-2 Punch to Destroy Germs & Odors!
PRICE: $393.00
Bio3-Blaster™ Home

Ozone For Water
Bio3Blaster Fruit and vegetable sanitizer and pesticide eliminator
This handy little machine quickly eliminates the possibility of of pesticide poisoning & it also kills e coli, salmonella mold spores & other pathogens quickly & safely using only oxygen! Why buy expensive organic food when you can use oxygen to destroy the pesticides & the germs safely. This powerful unit makes a whopping 5000 Mg/hr of ozone & it has a massive magnetic piston pump that is not affected by ozone like tiny little diaphragm pumps our competitors use. Best of all it can be connected directly to an Oxygen concentrator or oxygen bottle to make pure ozone for home experimentation like saunas or other home experimental purpose that require pure ozone. Buy one today!
PRICE: $387.00
Ozone Duct/Hydroponic Machines
Hydroponic Garden Air Duct Sanitizing and Deodorizing machine – 10000mg/h
PRICE: $273.00
Hydroponic Garden Air Duct Sanitizing and Deodorizing machine – 20000mg/h
PRICE: $373.00

Bio blaster Hydroxyl HVAC
Are you looking for a whole house sanitizing & deodorizing solution? Want to treat your homes air ducts? What’s the best way to treat the entire air in your house on an ongoing basis? Install a uniti directly in your air handle. Use the Bioblaster Hydroxyl HVAC unit designed for Home HVAC Air Handlers. Treats 3-4000 Sq Ft, For Powdery Mold Mildew Viruses Bacteria Odors & More! Massive HO productions & Biopolar Ion Gen combo! Requires installation from HVAC professional or home handyman with electrical knowledge. Just cut a small hole in the air duct near the air handler, tie into the blower wiring. Hydroxyls are made by knocking Hydrogen atoms of water vapor in the air inside air handler making an H & HO. These recombine & make peroxides & continue killing germs. This technology was originally developed by NASA! read on to learn more about the science!
PRICE: $633.00
Important Notice
Notice 1:
Our ozone ratings are issued by the cell manufacturer and were laboratory tested. We are not a laboratory and we do not rate ozone generator outputs. We have designed what we believe is the most durable best high powered generator available for the best price possible. Actual ozone output in any ozone generator is dependent on many variables including but not limited to input gas, humidity, elevation, temperature air flow and many other factors. We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with the output of any of our machines in the first 15 days we will issue a complete refund. By clicking the buy now button you agree to be bound by a private agreement between the parties for the hand building of the machine design requested.
Notice 2:
In life, as in business there is no guarantee of success except that which is produced by direct individual effort and achievement. Buying our business systems or equipment will not guarantee individual profit or success; your success will depend on many factors including , but not limited to geography, population, intelligence and individual effort and commitment to succeed.
Notice 3:
Fair Use. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
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